Create a validator node
First create a read-only node and then continue with below steps. To turn the read-only node into a validator node you need to fund your identity account and create vote and stake accounts.
Last updated
First create a read-only node and then continue with below steps. To turn the read-only node into a validator node you need to fund your identity account and create vote and stake accounts.
Last updated
Check balance:
Creates a vote account with vote.json keypair + identity.json as identity + the withdrawer address and commission.
--commission: If you get a delegation then anything they make you get 10%.
Check vote account:
Check stake account:
Do delegate stake operation:
Check condition of a stake:
See validators. Your identity.json should show up there:
Monitor ledger, is continuous monitoring:
Block production, see skipped slots:
Check leader schedule:
Check block production:
Check epoch information:
Check CPU and memory:
Type (shift+h). CPU should be lower than 100% with margin.
Check validator process:
Kill validator process: