Ping validator
Running Pinger allows the validator to share leader data transmission times with the network.
Last updated
Running Pinger allows the validator to share leader data transmission times with the network.
Last updated
When an RPC receives a transaction message to be included in a block, it must forward the message to the leader. Fast data transmission to the leader is crucial for network efficiency and consensus speed.
Monitoring your validator's ping times ensures it meets leader schedule performance requirements.
Ping times measure how long it takes for your validator to communicate with the current leader. Since the leader changes every four slots (1.6s), ping time variance (typically 500–3000ms) depends on the distance to the constantly switching leader.
Ensure the keypair has funds, as a transaction is sent with each ping.
Enable UFW if it is not already enabled:
Allow traffic on port 3334:
Check the service status:
View logs to ensure correct operation:
Once running, your validator will continuously measure and share leader ping times.
You can also check your ping times on