Tachyon 2.0

Quick Overview



Validator Version

tachyon-validator: v2.0.21

Restart Slot


Shred Version


Bank Hash


During the restart and migration to v2.0, the testnet will undergo a fork. A new snapshot and genesis will be created, and the network will restart using the updated version.

To streamline the process, all stake accounts will be deactivated, requiring stakers to re-delegate their accounts upon rejoining the network. Rest assured, the original stake amounts will be preserved.

Follow the steps below to migrate your validator to v2.0.

Step 1: Install Tachyon v2.0

You will need Tachyon v2.0 to generate the correct snapshot.

  1. Clone the Tachyon repository:

    git clone https://github.com/x1-labs/tachyon.git
  2. Build the repository:

    cd tachyon
    cargo build --release
  3. Update your PATH environment variable:

    Replace /path/to/tachyon with the correct path. Use pwd to get your current directory path.

    export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/tachyon/target/release

    📌 Tip: Add this line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc to make the change permanent.

  4. Verify the installation:

    tachyon-validator --version

    You should see the following output:

    tachyon-validator 2.0.21 (src:00000000; feat:2908148756, client:Tachyon)

Step 2: Stop the Solana Validator

If your validator is still running, stop it before proceeding.

Step 3: Backup Your Data and Remove the Old Ledger

  1. Backup your keys 🗝️: Save your validator keys in a secure location.

  2. Backup or remove your old ledger directory:

    • If you have sufficient disk space, keep the old ledger as a backup.

    • Otherwise, you can delete it to free up space.

    Note: Replace paths with your actual ledger directory and backup location.

    # Move the ledger to a backup location
    mv /home/ubuntu/ledger /path/to/backup/location
    # Or delete the ledger
    rm -rf /home/ubuntu/ledger

Step 4: Update Startup Configuration

  1. Update the binary name in your startup script:

    Rename from solana-validator to tachyon-validator


See the example start script here.

Step 5: Start your validator

  1. Start your validator using the updated configuration.

  2. Make sure your validator is in sync with the network:

    solana catchup --our-localhost

    You should see the following output:


Step 6: Re-delegate Your Stake

⚠️ Warning: Do not re-delegate your stake accounts until you're fully synced with the network.

After the restart, you will need to re-delegate your stake accounts. Your original stake amounts will be preserved.

Note: Replace paths with the correct paths to your identity, stake, and vote account files.

solana -k ~/identity.json delegate-stake ~/stake-account.json ~/vote-account.json

📌 Tip: Your stake will take a few epochs to activate and gradually grow to its full amount.

Next Steps

  • Check the logs to ensure your validator is running correctly.

  • Use the solana validators command to verify your validator's status.

  • Monitor the network and assist others during the migration process.

Bootstrap Fork Instructions

See the Advanced Guide for the exact steps that will be taken to migrate the X1 Testnet Chain to v2.0 on the bootstrap node. These steps will be executed by the X1 team.

Last updated